The user management plugin in WordPress makes it easier for site owners to control everyone who interacts with their blog or website. With an effective user management system, you can control authors and contributors and develop membership sites that generate revenue. While some of these user administration plugins carry out a single function, others provide a wide range of functionality. Some are for a fee, and some are not. There are several options available. If you can learn how to add users to the WordPress website it will be a plus point of the user management system. The user management plugins for WordPress listed in this article can be used to handle user responsibilities more efficiently.
Best 12 User Management Plugin in WordPress 2023
1. Members
Member is a role and capabilities-based User Management Plugin in WordPress. By providing you with strong tools to add roles and capabilities and assign them to your users, this plugin offers your users the best possible member experience. Members offer a straightforward user interface (UI) for WordPress’s solid roles and capabilities system. It enables you to set permissions to restrict content on your site. It gives one, two, or even more roles to any user. This plugin allows shortcodes to control who has access to content. You can see a login form and user widget in your theme’s sidebars. You can make your site and its feed completely private if you want. Other developers strongly suggest the WordPress team member plugin because it immediately integrates the existing plugin’s particular roles and capabilities.
2. User Role Editor
User Role Editor is a user plugin for WordPress that allows you to change user roles and capabilities easily. You can add new roles and customize their capabilities according to your needs, from scratch or as a copy of another existing role. If there are no users for whom such role is assigned, you can delete the unnecessary self-mode role. User roles can be exported to a local file and imported into any other WordPress site or sites in a multi-site WordPress network. Using the list of posts/pages, authors, and taxonomies IDs, you can control user access to modifying posts, pages, and custom post types. You can add new capabilities and get rid of those that removed plugins may have left behind. You can control the access per person for plugin activation and deactivation and the access for the gravity forms plugin in each form. User Role Editor works perfectly with any best SEO themes for WordPress.
3. Adminimize
Adminimize is the best user management plugin in WordPress, which helps you to hide unnecessary items from the WordPress admin area. Based on a user’s role, Adminimize makes it simple to remove items from display. The plugin modifies the backend of administration and offers you the power to give rights to certain areas. Every item on the menu, including items in the sub-menu and mega menu, can be activated or deactivated by admins. Posts and pages can each have meta fields that are managed. You can add your options to WordPress’ back end to hide specific regions. You only need to look for CSS selectors to add your options.
4. Advanced Access Manager
Advanced Access Manager is a powerful user management plugin for WordPress. It’s designed to help you control every aspect of your website. This is the only plugin that offers you complete control over how exactly you want visitors to access any part of your website. It lets you control who may access the material on your website, regardless of their role, individual user, or visitors. Even so, it specifies how to access all posts, pages, custom post types, categories, and custom taxonomies by default. It contains numerous hooks and settings. It is integrated with the WordPress XML-RPC and RESTful APIs; and has several primary layers to make coding easier. This plugin has nothing commercial or not even advertising shows at all.
5. User Switching
User Switching is a popular user management plugin for WordPress which is appropriate for use with most two-factor authentication plugins and Multisite, WooCommerce, BuddyPress, and bbPress. With only one click using this plugin, you may rapidly switch between user accounts in WordPress. The provided user credentials will be used to log you back in after an immediate logout. This plugin is helpful for testing settings, assisting customers on WooCommerce sites, or any website where administrators need to switch between numerous accounts. It can be only administrators on single site installations and super admins on multisite installations.
6. WP User Frontend
Another good user management plugin for WordPress is WP User Frontend. For WordPress user profiles, post submissions, and memberships, it features a frontend dashboard, frontend editor & publishing, and frontend uploader. Users can use the forms to add new posts and change their profiles directly from the site’s front end, avoiding using the backend admin panel. From both the front and back ends, administrators can manage who has access to the dashboard of the best WooCommerce WordPress free theme. You can quickly fill your form with fields using drag-and-drops and a real-time preview that updates as you make changes. From the dashboard, you can see how your form will finally look. You can easily add your published forms in the Gutenberg editor with the WPUF block.
7. WPFront User Role Editor
WPFront User Role Editor is a user management plugin for WordPress that allows you to manage WordPress user roles within your site easily. You can manage role capabilities and create, update, or delete user roles. You can assign various user roles to your members and clone and restore roles using the WPFront User Role Editor. Each role comes with a long set of competencies. It won’t be challenging to manage who can do what with your content because all options are clearly labeled and divided into many categories. The categories are dashboard, posts, media, pages, themes, plugins, links, and products. You can only manage the permissions for the custom post types and media library if you have one of the premium plans.
8. Paid Member Subscriptions
It’s easy to set up and use the WordPress user management plugin called Membership & Content Restriction. Using this all-inclusive membership plugin in WordPress, you can manage members, receive payments from members, create subscription plans, and limit access to premium content. It is possible to link it with WooCommerce and restrict product viewing and purchasing to members only. It allows your customers to buy subscription plans through the WooCommerce Checkout and offers you a special discounted product pricing depending on subscription plans. You simply build a new page, give it a descriptive name, such as “Member Registration,” and add the shortcode to get going. Once the page is published, you are finished.
9. Profile Builder
Profile Builder is the finest user management plugin for WordPress, often known as the user registration and profile plugin. This plugin is easy for creating front-end login, user registration, and editing profile forms using shortcodes. By allowing everyone accesses to a front-end menu, Profile Builder enables you to customize your website and gives your users a more flexible approach to registering or changing their user profile, and this is In this plugin, Users with administrator permissions can add custom user fields to the front-end forms or modify the default user fields. The plugin works with the most popular WordPress themes.
10. WP User Manager
WP User Manager is a popular user management plugin for WordPress. You can add custom user registration, login, password recovery, and account customization forms to your WordPress website with WP User Manager, which offers fully configurable user profiles. The best option for managing your community is WP User Manager. It is flexible and robust. You may build practically any WordPress membership website where your visitors can sign up and become members with WP User Manager. You can create a unique login page, have complete control over the registration form, provide a member area for your website, and enable user data management.
11. New User Approve
New User Approve is a popular user management plugin for WordPress that simplifies the process of new user registration on your WordPress website. On a WordPress website, the user registration procedure is relatively simple. A new user’s unique identity is formed in the website’s database when they register. The login information for the new user is delivered to them through email. Users awaiting permission or those who have been rejected will not be able to log in to the site. Even after the first request for permission or denial, the user status may be modified. The administrator can look up approved, denied, and pending users. The plugin sends the invitation code to individuals who want to entirely skip the registration process will make things simpler for everyone. The manual generation of the invitation codes ensures they are compatible with WooCommerce’s registration process.
12. User Submitted Posts
User Submitted Posts is the number one user management plugin for WordPress, which generates user content. Using a template tag or shortcode, User Submitted Posts (USP) provides a frontend form so that users submit posts and upload images. When posting a post, USP allows users to upload any number of photos. The minimum/maximum width, height, and quantity of submitted photographs are customizable. USP provides three shortcodes to limit access and regulate content, along with a Login/Register Form. Users can submit post material through User Submitted Posts (USP). Users who voluntarily submit content using the USP form are the only ones whose data is collected.
Using WordPress’s top user management plugins allow you a great deal of control over how visitors behave on your website. Every online business must have user management in place, and that is precisely why we have so many fantastic options. We hope this page will be helpful in your search for the best free WordPress user management plugins.