Parent Theme to Child Theme

How To Copy Flatsome WordPress Parent Theme to Child Theme (Customizer Settings)

When copying the WordPress parent theme to child theme in Flatsome, the process varies depending on each WordPress theme. The process is straightforward and takes only 4-steps to complete.  Many companies’ common problems are like “after making the child theme enabled all settings disappeared“. If you’re facing a similar issue, today is your lucky day! …

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setup WordPress SMTP server

How To Setup WordPress SMTP Server Using Gmail API In Flatsome WooCommerce Theme

Sometimes you may face trouble and get complaints from your users they are not getting emails for user registration, lost password, reset passwords, and product order emails. Even, if you WordPress contact form 7, you can get complaints or face an issue like “WordPress Contact Form 7 not sending emails or Contact Form 7 -There was …

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Responsive WooCommerce WordPress Themes

5 Best Responsive WooCommerce WordPress Themes For Selling Products Online 2023

You are here to find the best responsive WooCommerce WordPress Themes, right? let me tell a story in short! People are getting busy every day. Some are busy in their workplace and some are busy with other important work. They have seldom time to walk to markets and pick the product for which they want …

5 Best Responsive WooCommerce WordPress Themes For Selling Products Online 2023 Read More »

WooCommerce color swatches

How To Enable WooCommerce Color Swatches For Variable Product Variations in Flatsome Theme (Globally)

Having product variation is a common fact for eCommerce. If you’ve got an eCommerce, it’s pretty sure that you need to set up your store for the variation of your products. WooCommerce Color Swatches can help you to do that.   In WooCommerce, you are given a dropdown by default to handle WooCommerce product variation.  I …

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Flatsome child theme

How to Create Flatsome Child Theme To Prevent Customization Loss After the Version Update

A Flatsome child theme is highly important. The majority of Flatsome theme users are store owners. The WooCommerce theme helps to earn bread and butter. What if your site stops working or all your customization is lost after a minor version update?  Your earning will may stop, or your client might push you to fix …

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